Oxford Business College (OBC) is a skill-based college registered with the Department of Skills Development (DSD), Skills Development Fund Corporation (PTPK) and Human Resource Development Fund (HRDF) under the Ministry of Human Resources. OBC was established in June 2016. OBC is an instituition focusing on skills and professional education.
Oxford Business College is affliated and official members of government agencies and multi national collaboations such as:
The department of Skills and Development under the Ministry of Human Resource have approved and certified skilll based courses and OXFORD BUSINESS COLLEGE have been given a star rating of 3 out 5 STARS
Events in OXFORD BUSINESS COLLEGE are focussed on Student Lifestyle Improvement and maximising the talents of all individuals on various area in the field of skills and development

All students of Oxford Business College from all the programmes organized a multi cultural event, which exposed the cultural diversities and traditions around Malaysia.

Oxford Business College organized a career talk to Higher Secondary school students which was held at SMK SRI UTAMA, Petaling Jaya